The world is cruel. It destory's hope. It overpowers a good man. It changes his countenance and sends him away.
He finds himself walking by himself on a dirt road. Lonely, kicking dust that like him, is soil that was turned, and now is trampled by wild animals, rained on, hailed on, turned to mud and then baked in the hot sun until it is dust again. Much like man's life the dirt ponders its purpose. Today it supports a lonely man's walk through wilderness in search of his purpose.
This is a solo walk and must be as a walk with another is meaningless at these times. Conversation with humans is worthless as they give advice that is best heard by the dust as it blows in the wind.
A man must meet with himself and find how worthless is his life in this world. He must find reason for his life in spite of the meaningless journey that he finds himself on. He must explore the meaning of life. And he must measure himself against whatever measuring stick he may find.
In these times of wandering in the wilderness, man will find nature and he will hear the birds sing and see the squirrels merrily waltz through the forest. He will see the sun and the moon and the stars and he will wonder what makes the wind blow and why clouds blow past in the shapes his mind creates. Alone, a man allows his eyes to see beyond his troubles. And his eyes become focused on matters outside of himself.
He falls to his knees, a position man best finds himself when alone. And he cries out to the creator of the universe, the one that gives birds their song, the one that makes a squirrel merry and puts the stars above his head. He cries because it all he can do when the world crushes his being. Under the weight of the world he is pushed to his knees. And by himself, man cries and looks to the heavens for answers to questions he cannot understand.
It is here that man is finally given clarity. His focus is on the only place that he may find an answer as he cries out in pain looking for comfort. The world will only give pain but on his knees he finds the comfort as he cries out.
Man is alone as the world has left him in his disgrace. But the heavens have no choice but to hear his cry. It is here that man opens his heart to possibilities that bear no logic. All of his education and the advice of friends melt away as he begs for direction and purpose. And his cries are heard.
The man has little choice but to return to the world having laid his fears and his troubles out to the wilderness and cries out as he is crushed and forced to the ground on his knees.
And the world is seen in a different light as man has had is eyes opened to the heavens and the heavens respond. Man puts the world in context of the heavens and sees that the heavens are more important than the world and that the world is misguided. Man sees purpose in helping others see what he has seen as he walked his lonely path along a dirt road. And he directs others to seek what he has seen when his focus was on heaven and off the world and it's worthless wind blown dirty advice.
And man is blessed as his direction becomes less the things of this world and more the things that heaven has to offer. Man seeks the heavens and words from heaven and it is there that he finds comfort, and guidance and direction. And the world and its dirt become less important as man is stregthened by his new direction. And the crushing blows of the world disappear in importance. And man no longer fears.